What? No Fire and Brimstone?

I suppose you checked in on this corner of cyberspace to see what sort of psychotic rambling I’d do as I simmer in hate, just hours before facing the enemy face to face. You may envision me in my parent’s basement…playing Stratego and having Tea with my imaginary friend. You may picture me strapping on shells and ammo like Rambo.
Uhhhhh...not really. But the truth is…above all else..I’m excited. I'm pretty geared up for two main reasons.
First, I’m excited most of all about the spotlight being shined on my own team. I’ve never denied their failures, I’ve never exaggerated their successes. But within this very core of the anti-Husker movement, lies the fire and passion that makes nights like tomorrow so great. For no matter what the score…no matter what the day, I will have personally participated in the pageantry and tradition that is college football. I think we can all agree that no matter who you root for, or who you hate..it does not get better than a big game…under the lights…mingling with people you don’t like…high fiving people you don’t know, just because they have on the same colors as you. These are the sort of things that are rare..even for the most successful teams. (Mostly because they take it for granted.)

For all of that, I am thankful and I am excited for all that await my day..from the time I get up, to the time that ball is kicked off.
Second, I’m looking forward to taking the fight to you. It’s one thing fire insults from miles away, it’s quite another to interact in person. Oh I’m not talking about slashing tires, or walking up to grown men with giant ears of foam corn on their head, and asking them if their own childbirth was the only time they’ve ever seen a vagina.
I’m talking an unpleasant surliness that you people just don’t understand. There is a huge difference between being thugs and hooligans….and taking a situation and making it a home field advantage. Regardless of the outcome, I’ll be happy to know that no matter what the score, I will at least have done my job. After 8 months of hype..that’s what it’s come down to.
I’m guessing I’ll have quite the lengthy post (win or lose) when I return. Oh, with that being said…I can guarantee you there won’t be another post here until Sunday afternoon at the earliest, so stop bitching in advance.
Either way…I’ll still be here.
God help us.
PS - Something tells me either way...we may see a new BEL hits record on Sunday.
Oh, and Truman says hi. (Thanks Kitty Caverns for the Pic)

You're goin down AJ, and your fag kitty Truman too!
Good luck.
Huskers by 17.
And BTW, that spotlight you're so proud of has always been the cause of your beloved kitties demise. They always get lost in the glare and tank!
WOW, your word verification requests I type:
Huskers by 17
PS....I see you're wearing red, as in GO BIG RED!
Hey Truman!
You were spayed a long time ago.
Deal with it.
Here kitty, kitty, kitty, yitty, kitty.....BOOM!
Enough said.
Enjoy you win. You took it to us.
522 offense at the end of the 3rd quarter for mizzou? Wow looks like you were right AJ. Ive said it over a dozen times on your board and ill say it again: NU will not win a game in october. Grats AJ go Buffs!
What do Missouri, Kansas, Kansas State, and Colorado all have in common?
They're all better than Nebraska!
All I have to say is...Fake FG. PRICELESS! Top 10 plays EVER!
All husker fans bow to AJ!!!!
Go Tigers! Go Buffs!
Congratulations A.J. Everything you've wanted in life has come to fruition tonight. All of your hopes, dreams, and ambitions have come true. You can now die a happy man.
But that Pig fellow really doesn't deserve to play the game of football. Cheap shotting a guy who just lost his girlfriend this week? That's rough.
Oh LORD, this is going to be ugly. And funny. Really funny.
Well, just watched the game. Embarrassed to be a Husker fan. Vindication was achieved tonight, and it was completely warranted. I found myself almost hoping Missouri would score more just to shine a light on this whole thing. Congrats on a win. Time to go home and see if any coaching turds are circling the bowl yet.
Wow ... it's awfull quiet in here now. Where'd all the red trash talkers go?
I hope you enjoyed the woody the Tigers gave you, you deserve it.
Use it well!
Good luck to the Tigers the rest of the season.
You have a mustache don't you. Worse yet, you drive a Subaru.
Impressive show by the Tigers tonight. Pathetic effort by the Huskers, though...they certainly didn't help! Glad to know you're on come form of Cloud 9 night now -- especially knowing how many homers are bleeding from their wrists in Huskerland right now.
case closed.
How did that Huskers by 17 turn out for you?? Looks like Lil' Red got ass raped by Truman!
Overrated Red Machine..
Truman is having the last laugh and is probably thinking he'd "Rather be spayed than splayed." You can recover from spayed.
Maybe the myopic brainless herd will now realize Husker Football is dead...d.o.a....finito. Maybe they can convert Memorial Stadium into a research center.
Keller suffered more carpet burn than Monica Lewinski. It's not just the defense stupid.
I am giddy with anticipation as to AJ's next post.......
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