Callahan Pockets More of Your Money

Quick hits -
* I noticed, and perhaps you did as well, that there was not a monumental outpouring of support for Steve Pederson's extremely predictable contract extension offer to Bill Callahan yesterday. You would have thought the same guy who produced highly touted recruiting classes and tight games with Maine would be celebrated a bit more by the red masses.
Unfortunately for you, your lukewarm excitement speaks volumes. Oh sure, many of you have already bought your tickets to New Orleans. I know that several of you are already outraged at the AP ONLY handing you 4 extra spots in this week's poll. But regardless of all that, there is still a hallow empty feeling within every arrogant statement…within every unrealistic prediction. You may claim to be back in the game's good graces, but I think I know you people well enough to know that your true myopia potential has not even begun to be tapped.
Everyone on earth, including me, knows that there is absolutely no way Steve Pederson is going to let Callahan go. Not now, not ever. In fact, the timing of the whole thing is idiotic and reeks of typical Pederson grandstanding. This whole, "Let's wait til the season gets started" and then the "Ohh, well he crushed Nevada, so we're going to lock him up", is insulting to you people as the sheep that you are. You know he's not going anywhere. I know he's not going why not just give him the damn contract the second you handed yourself that fake trophy back in November of last year?
Don't get me wrong…I know it's not real hard to split you people down the middle in terms of Steve-O the great. However, if you think fans of every other team in the conference are shaking in their boots, you're probably going to have to wait til..oh I dunno…you actually beat somebody worth a damn? The current extension was given to appease you freaks who think you're on the cusp of being a national power again…while at the same time "waiting to see progress", and holding off the "Frank apologists", who are probably pissed that nobody admitted to Peterson or Callahan that throwing the ball all around isn't always they way to win a game. Either way, the whole thing had a very eerie silence to it.

* Hmmmm, so Wake's starting QB separated his shoulder prior to this week's showdown in Winston-Salem? Not sure how this is going to effect anything. The Hodges kid had pretty good numbers. 17 for 23 with a TD and 0 picks isn't a bad line, but it will be interesting to see if he falls under the spell of the vaunted blackskirts. Some do…some don't…Chad May did…Bobby Pesevento didn't. Regardless, I still don't understand Husker fan's complete unequivocal optimism toward this game.
Is Wake the single greatest defending conference champion? Not really. Are they chalked full of future NFL players? Nope. Are they tradition filled? Nope. Are they one of college football's "elite" programs? Not at all.
But they are more than capable than beating your untested ass at home? Uhhhh…yeah.
This is a team that hung with Louisville in a BCS game. This is a team that beat Florida State 30-0 last year on the ROAD. They played Clemson tough, and hung with Va Tech for quite a while as well. Have you seen Louisville, Clemson and Va Tech lately? Ummm…they're pretty good. Wake isn't going to throw up ungodly numbers, nor are they are they going to scare the hell out of you with their defense. But they win close games (6 by 10 points or less) and they get tons of turnovers. (6th in the nation in 2006). Did I mention they ran a fumble back for a TD last week?

Would I like to change my prediction after last week's epic thrashing over Reno Junior High? Nope. I don't see 30 foot wide holes being open for Marlon Rozier to waddle through as was the case last Saturday.
Wake 23
NU 17
Oh, and don't forget that Hodges was going to be the starter for the Demon Deacons last year, but separated his shoulder. Skinner then stepped in to lead the team to 11-3. (POST EDIT - No he wasn't. Different kid. My bad)
* Finally, a quick note about something that was brought to my attention by some Husker co-workers. If some clown logs onto your message board, and drops my blog URL in there, it's not me. I will never ever step foot on a Husker message board…ever. I never have and I never will. WHY ON EARTH would I take the time to advertise myself on your sorry ass, pitiful little pissant message board when I'm probably getting more hits per day than you are anyway? Do I really need that extra 1/10,000th of a penny? Have you seen how much AdSense ads pay these days? Trust me, it's not enough to make me wallow in your myopic little playpen of red-clad manlove.
Don't insult me with the notion that I need to come to YOU for pretty much anything.
Sit down.
Shut up.
Read on.
You probably could learn a thing or two.
As Bill C. goes, so goes Steve P. If the Callahan experiment (and I think it was certainly that) does not work out, Steve will have to go.
I think Callahan is here for at least the term of this contract provided two things do not happen:
1. He wins a National Championship.
2. He goes 6-6 or worse
Husker fan has given Steve P and Bill C a lot of is the time when results matter. If, and I am not high enough to say that is happening this year, he wins a NC, some NFL team will court him and he is gone. If he goes 6-6 or less, the calls for his head will come with more vitriol than even you aim at us AJ. We have top notch facilities and will pay decent money, no reason AT ALL for 6-6 or less. We gave him the 5-6 season due to the transition. Did not want to--and HATED the smug attitude after the Colorado game resulting in 5-6.
I personally am tired of hearing about recruiting. TO never had a freaking 5-star guy. TO never ranked high with Rivals. TO knew how to coach though. His best coaching job, imho, was the 1983 loss to Miami. Scratching back like that and almost winning. Broke my heart to lose, but damn fine coaching.
Just my opinion though. :)
Link away.
Many others do.
PS - Lee's a douchebag.
Better do your homework before you post.. Ozzy's last few recruiting classes were all top 25. Some top 10.
Every college coach in America will tell you recruiting is the key to building or rebuilding any program. I encouage you to conduct a survey to try and disprove this statement.
I must admit that I rather enjoy your blog – just started reading it this past two weeks. Despite its vehemently pessimistic views on my beloved Huskers, it often makes me laugh. However, I have to assume that you largely deride Husker Nation as the result of a few "fan"atics rather than those like myself who do love and follow Husker football unconditionally, but remain civil and reasonable in our comments about other teams and toward other fans (well, all except KSU maybe - grew up in KS and must admit that some of them let a little run of winning go to their heads.)
Now, on the other hand, if you truly are lumping all Nebraska fans into one large cesspool filled with uneducated, incestuous hicks who are prone to molesting farm animals, then your point of view seems unoriginal at best. Many in my family are from Nebraska and most worked longer and harder during their lives than anyone I know (namely my grandfather, who was a Nebraska farmer that only completed the 8th grade – btw, he cheered for Oklahoma just to piss off the neighbors – you would like him ).
Of course it is completely fair as a fan of another team, for you to belittle “my team”, which includes players, coaches, AD, etc. I look forward to the next rant and I will attempt to answer it with one of my own that is equal parts entertaining and insulting to you.
P.S. Armageddon already occurred – KU won a game by six touchdowns or roughly the number of fat rolls on Mark Mangino – I know, counting those was disgusting!
P.P.S. Rivals stars are fun – recruiting is the only thing that can get an irrationally devoted fan through 8 months without college football.
Holy Shit aj:
Where did you get that big money bag?
Is it for an Oklahoma Sooner Football Player.
JH, thanks for stopping by...and yes. My opinions are largely due to a few individuals whom I've been going back and fourth with for years adn years. We're all fairly good friends, but the back and fourth smack cuts pretty deep at times.
Then there are days where listening to 1620 or 590 or reading Traitor Tom Shatel's crap in teh paper just bugs me and I have to set the record straight.
However, in the is just a game, and I think you'll find that I do a decent job of not crossing that line. Oh sure, I may accuse your players of being woman beating thugs and molestors of teenage girls (Free Shevin), but all in is about a game played by kids far younger than me.
Thanks for your thoughts, come back by anytime.
- JP...Prep beat the living crap out of everybody in 1982. I believe that was Bill McGuire and Mike Evans's team was it not? Ummmm..yeah...third in the nation (if I recall) is pretty good.
PS - I am NOT a prep grad...did not go there..and no smartasses..did not date anybody from just save it.
I just know they had a good team in 1982.
A Nebraska fan saying K-State fans let a little winning go to their heads...that's rich.
LNE was knocked out by Bill McGuire's Prep team in 1982. American Legion Baseball Coach of the Year for 1982 was Bill Fagler, from LNE.
Bill McGuire was the 2nd best prep baseball player from Nebraska I've ever seen.. Until Joba and Gordon. Omaha Northwest's Gregg Olson was the best. Omaha NW was a factory too.
Of course BHG knows all this because he played baseball at a high level. He won't tell us where, so we can only assume it was in the sticks somewhere. Palookaville.
Ben Mauk was the quarterback who was replaced by Riley Skinner last season. He's now the QB at Cincinnati after pulling a Sam Keller when Skinner beat him out. Hodges was the #3 guy at the start of 2006. Otherwise, great stuff!
I do research for a living, so I took up your challenge. What I found was this:
-TO's 1995 class ranked 11 by National Recruiting Advisor.
-TO's 1987 class ranked 6 by Max Emfinger
-TO's 1985 class ranked 1 by Max Emfinger
Rivals and Scouts rankings only go back to 2002. So, please tell me your source that indicates Osborne had a top 10 finish.
And, perhaps my point was missed. What I was saying is that recruiting is not the end all be all. It is a part, sure, but coaching is a bigger part.
I read your posts, and I'm thinking "God, AJ is such a dick." and then I read the comments and I'm like "Well, AJ is actually pretty reasonable."
So which is it?
Enjoy the blog insomuch as I love to hate it. Keep it up, you asshole.
I've known Bill for a long time. A good guy and a great ballplayer who taught me a lot.
From everybody I know in Nebraska HS baseball, it's a tossup between him, Alex Gordon and Gregg Olson as the greatest players in modern Nebraska high school history. (Oh, and me. heh)
Funny thing is...I didn't know LNE even had a team.
PS - To the guy who said he loves to hate me...that's PERFECT. In fact, that's the whole damn idea. Look, you can ramble on as I you a dick, whatever. But in the's all just a game, and you can't really forget that.
Now get back to plowing..only 11 hours of daylight left Gomer.
I agree with the sentiments expressed by JH. I am a Husker fan, and I enjoy reading your blog.
Hey TB - We Nebraska fans have let A LOT of winning go to our heads, so yes, we are the greatest team ever...even when we aren't :)
I actually like that KSU has become respectable. Otherwise there is no joy in kicking Wildcat ass.
BTW - wtf is that power towel thing I saw making the rounds yesterday? That may be the worst promotional gimmick I have ever witnessed and I would say that it cheapens your storied tradition, but given that you don't have one...I guess its okay.
P.S. My best friend is a grad of KSU's vet school, so you are mostly just a proxy for the trash talking that he and I share throughout the year - good luck this season.
Sun Tzu is my homeboy.
Sorry AJ.
I'm the one who posted the link to your website on the Husker site. My intent wasn't to promote the site or to bring you any grief. I did for two reasons:
1. To amuse myself with the typical "Five Nat'l Championships/8,000,000 games won/Order Restored" knee-jerk response that the Cornholers all feel the need to live by.
2. To see how long it would take to get permanently banned from that site for not falling to worship at the Altar of Herbie.
I apologize for any hardship this has brought to you. I think you have a great site and wouldn't do anything to harm it. I apologize again.
For what it's worth, it actually took three hours for that one posting to get me banned from the Husker site. I was honestly surprised it took that long, I thought my ban would be immediate. The mod who banned me had the nerve to post that they are tolerant to outsiders too. That's funny. Stuff like that can't be made up.
This may be a bit off topic, but I am catching up on your old posts and want to say something about the baseball team. Obviously, I am also a baseball fan. It was nice back in the Buck Beltzer days to get out of class on a Friday afternoon and walk over and watch a game. Sure we sucked for the most part back then. However, we did have a few players that were exciting to watch and it was a big deal when we beat Okie State. I appreciate what Dave Van Horn did here. But Bill B hired the wrong guy to replace him. Fortunately for Bill B he got a do-over and has a fine coach down in College Station right now that ought to be coaching here. Last year was embarrassing and not just from the W-L column. I will take L from a clean program. I will not accept W from a chaotic program, which is what I fear we have now.
Ask your boy Bill McGuire about that 1982 LNE baseball team. He'll remember.
1995 and 1996 were both top 10 recruiting classes for Osborne, according to both Allen Wallace (Superprep) and Tom Lemming (Prep Football Report).. And then just like magic NU wins another title in 1997. It wasn't about the talent though.
See proof here
Thanks Joesph. Please come back again.
As for the dude who posted the link..don't worry about it. Funny thing is..they all thought it was me. Dont' get me wrong..the reaction was classic and extremely predictable...but I needed to address them without actually logging on there.
In my own defense...I noticed I was getting a bunch of hits from some unknown message board without a proper URL. When I clicked on it to see who it was...there it was.
They can say what they want, and again..their reaction was classic Husker fan. however, I just need to let them and you all know that I don't really have to troll for hits...trolls find me.
Don't mean to sound arrogant..and it's really nothing to be that proud of...but it's the truth.
I will be reviewing that insanely stupid video on my blog today, if you want my reaction. Check out Bring On The Cats over at SB Nation.
NU didn't win a National title in 1997...Michiagn did.
You lost to Mizzou.
I tip my hat. I could not find Lemmings stuff from the 90's. I still maintain that coaching is more important than recruiting as evidenced by the 94-95 years. I am not saying recruiting is not important, but John Blake is widely regarded as a phenomenal recruiter. Ask the average OU fan what they think of his coaching.
Does Matt Davidson haunt you still today? "The Catch"
I've actually spoken with Matt Davison face-to-face about it. (I'm not kidding)
Im at peace with it.
(it was still illegal though)
still bitter about 97? oh shit, thats funny. at "peace" with it... ya, sure...
ole miss 24 missery 21
No instant replay ever would have changed that (non) call.
Just because I think it was lucky bullshit doesn't mean I'm not at peace with it.
Trust me here.
The 5 downs was the rip off.. Freakin' Colorado. What a joke that was.
5th down?
I don't care if they had 27 downs.
It doesn't matter how many downs they got....Charles Johnson....nearly 17 years later to the day...STILL has not crossed the goal line.
Not even close.
Watch the replay
Who the heck cares what JP thinks anymore? You've misrepresented yourself on more than one occassion, and instead of coming clean, you keep up the charade.
You think I played baseball? I wish, I could hit a ton, but there is not much use for a one tool player on a high school/legion team.
JP, why the hell do you keep asking where I played? You keep posting that you know me, which means you know what BHG stands for, for whom I played, and position I played. (Of course, you didn't know that you got your ass kicked a football game, so maybe you don't know me?)
Coaching is more important than talent, people that know and understand the game are aware of this. Those that don't have a clue, go to, and give themselves the left hand salute when they see their team has a four star commitment.
(Watch, JP will have no clue what any on this means.)
Check my grammar JP!!!!
BHG = Bassett High Gators
BHG = Behind Home Giving (head)
Anywhere close?
If coaching is more important than talent, then why did Miami blow us off the field at the Rose Bowl? Was Coker a better coach than Frank or if they changed sidelines before the game, would the outcome have been any different?
They are both important and you're not going to win championships without either. Talent matters. Coaching can get the most out of it, but if you don't have much to get it out of, you're only going to get so far.
You have once again proved to this audience that you can match wits with a retarded ape and still lose.
BHG = Better Have (head)Gear at the Starlight
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