Reality Bites - Where We're Going and Where We've Been

As many of you know, I address my columns mostly to the pain-junky Husker fans who find my site every day. I'm not sure why, but it seems they can't get enough of reading words from a guy who absolutely hates their guts in such a manner. (Sort of like pulling at a hangnail for 5 hours until it bleeds) It also kind of reminds me of that old Seinfeld episode, where George is turned on by the woman who hates his guts. Not sure why..that's just how it is.
But stepping away from that, you'd be surprised at the number of people who get on my case who are NOT Husker fans. Granted, it is to be expected that Cletus McGomer from Lexington who posts under the screen name "RED_STUD_4LIFE" would be all pissed off at whatever I decide to type. However, I'm getting a growing number of complaints from the other side. Complaints from normal people. People with jobs. People who don't spend 3 hours a day looking at Will Compton's myspace page. Why you ask?
Apparently I'm slipping in my hatred.
Yes, finding new and exciting ways to rip the classiest fans in the nation isn't quite enough anymore. As my audience expands, so does the height of the bar in which I need to hang them from. Take this week's prison raping in Lincoln, where an entire summer of Husker arrogance was wiped away in one 3 hour period. While the e-mails, text messages and blog comments from myopic Husker freaks dipped substantially today, the number of people complaining that I'm being too lenient on them has exploded. The bad thing is, it wasn't just one person...but several people...all asking the same thing: "Why did you let up on the Husker fans on Sunday? I was expecting so much more."
You know what? You're right.
This just goes to show you that deep down, I'm way too nice of a guy. Despite my white-hot hatred for everything you stand for, I have let go a perfect opportunity to step on you neck while you were down. Instead of piling on, and mocking your MONTHS of non-stop bragging and off-center predictions....I've simply let you roll around on the mat and get a second wind. Why haven't I pilled on? Why haven't I used this opportunity to jump on you and use this most blatantly obvious example of your ineptitude against you? Did I jump out to a huge lead, only to let you regain your composure?
Jesus, I've Pinkeled myself.

In order to do so, let's take a look at some of your most outrageous and ridiculous claims from the summer, and apply them to what we've seen so far this season.
CLAIM - "It's time for the Huskers to take the next step in their evolution".
REALITY - Unless that step is to trip over the lineman next to you, you've gone nowhere.
CLAIM - "Marlon Lucky is going to step up and show the world why he was a 5-star recruit"
REALITY - Take away the scrimmage against the Reno High School JV team, and Marlon has rushed for a cool 123 yards on 41 carries. (3 yards a rush). I guess that answers the idiotic local radio question posed 2 weeks ago..."Is Marlon Lucky a Heisman candidate?" The answer?
CLAIM - "Sam Keller is a gunslinger, who will bring senior leadership to an already loaded offense"
REALITY - JC Keller throws like a girl and is now 6-5 lifetime as a starter.
CLAIM - "NU's secondary is loaded"
REALITY - NU's secondary may or may not be better than last year. Unfortunately, the blackskirts have given up nearly 600 yards rushing in their last 8 quarters of play, including that rushing juggernaut Wake Forest. Can't wait to see what they do when facing a real passing team.
CLAIM - "Nebraska continues to pile up the monster recruits."
REALITY - Nebraska is coached by buffoons who would struggle mightily leading the Chicago Bears to a victory in the Poinsettia Bowl over Army.

The best part of all this is....even after looking pathetically average against Wake Forest...even after getting anally violated at home on National TV by USC...some of you still don't get it. As I type this, I'm listening to the podcast of Kevin Kuglar, preaching to the world over the airwaves that there is "No way Missouri can beat Nebraska on October 6th". Why is this so difficult for you to see? Why is it so hard for you to let go of the past, and realize that you're no better now that Kentucky. Actually...I take that would get get bitchslapped by Kentucky 10 times out of 10 and twice on Tuesday.
The fact of the matter remains, this is just another step in your road to perdition after you sold your black-encrusted souls in 2001 for a Rose Bowl birth. In fact, I'm not even sure why it surprises you anymore. I mean seriously...did you actually think you had the horses to beat USC? You would think that people who literally dedicate their lives to Jeremy Crabtree and swear off women for months/years at a time would know the personnel well enough to see a giant bludgeoning coming from a mile away. Unfortunately for you, that doesn't appear to be the case.
So where do we go from here?
Well, you're going to go on to Ball State, and most likely wallop a low-level MAC team that lost to Miami (OH) at home. By that time, everything will be magically fixed, as you note to just about everybody who will listen, that this was the team that hung with Michigan last year. (We saw how tough they are at home in week 1 didn't we?) You'll then take on crappy Iowa State in their bi-annual blood-letting in Lincoln, as Missouri opens the Faurot Field gates to a public scrimmage with Illinois State Technical School for the Disabled.

The next 3 weeks are going to be some of the more entertaining exchanges we've had here at BEL. I'm going to try and do a better job keeping up the level of hate that I know you've come to expect. My most sincere apologies to you all, as the main event draws ever closer.
That's much better, let the hatred flow!!!!!!!!!!!
AJ, great site, I follow it regularly and it brightens may day. You have been very accurate on your predictions and that gives you some credibiltiy(nice job). Nebraska fans hate that. The big 12 North has some serious recruiting problems to deal with. If Nebraska is the best of the big 12 north then the North is in serious trouble. Maybe Missouri can save the big 12 North.
Glad you enjoyed your day off from hating NE. Welcome back. We can see you are still the 'Husker hating' AJ we have all come to know and love!
BTW, good for MU that NE has Ball st. and Iowa st. coming up, as this might restore them to overconfidence before the MU game. If MU tigers were next, they might not fare as well.
Mark my words:
NU goes winless in October.
Check the schedule.
Uh oh...AJ is getting all "tingly" again. This is no good...
Dear Mr. Nice Guy,
Thanks for the break over the weekend....but
Don't look now!:
Mizzou is DEAD LAST in total defense in the Big 12, while Nebraska is 9th. Mizzou is 5th in total offense, while Nebraska is 7th. You harp about Nebraska not playing anybody (see USC and Wake), but Missouri's schedule is FAR worse, according to your own criteria. Seems that Mizzou offense you highly speak of (you're starting to sound like Husker fan) isn't all that mighty and they have a defense more sieve-like than the Huskers, all against the likes of Illinois, Ole Miss, and Western Mich. Yeah, I enjoy reading your blog. I like the way you BRING IT. But your stuff just doesn't always add up (see Husker fan).
Love ya Buddy!
Offense/defense/individual rankings after 3 weeks is butt-ass stupid.
Remember when Missouri got ass-blasted by an inferior KU team in 2003..held Brad Smith to like -53 yards passing or something..and got blown out 35-14? Nebraska came to town the next week as the #1 defense in the country.
Ring a bell?
I'm not sure why this is so tough to understand. Football is about matchup and intangibles. Nebraska ALWAYS struggles with spread offenses, with the exception of the 1st half of the game last year.
You completely underestimate home-field in this case as well. If there is a sellout crowd, roaring..who does that help? Visiting offense or home defense?
Western Michigan scored 24 points on West Virginia...Mizzou's defense only gave up 14 true points, against an offense that is pretty good. Illinois has proven to be a decent offense..especially when Juice Williams is out.
Against Ol Miss..they were up so big, they simple fell back into a nickle and let them run for 8 yards a pop.
Is defense a concern? Sure. Watching Marlon Lucky it anything to panic over?
Ummm no.
"It also kind of reminds me of that old Seinfeld episode, where George is turned on by the woman who hates his guts. Not sure why..that's just how it is."
Guilty as charged.
"Jesus, I've Pinkeled myself."
"The next 3 weeks are going to be some of the more entertaining exchanges we've had here at BEL. I'm going to try and do a better job keeping up the level of hate that I know you've come to expect. My most sincere apologies to you all, as the main event draws ever closer.
No apologies needed. I look forward to the entertainment as well as the game.
Living behind enemy lines here in Columbia, MO...
Joseph, you're the anti-me.
"The fact of the matter remains, this is just another step in your road to perdition after you sold your black-encrusted souls in 2001 for a Rose Bowl birth."
All I want is some clarification on how "we" sold our souls in '01.
How "we" sold your souls? bout pissing moaning and whining to the polls that you were the best 1-loss team in America, after Colorado whalayed on you by 30+ points.
You needed about 6 different teams to lose adn they all did. What happened? You went to the Rose Bowl and got crushed again to the snide snickers of every sports hack in the nation.
Meanwhile, 66,000 of your bluehair fans got a nice trip to Newport Beach out of the deal.
Name one thing that has gone your way since then?
Missouri would have lost to USC by 60 points had they played them. Their offense is a sham and their defense is horrible. I can't wait to see your reaction after Big Red kicks your ass.
Suck it dipshit.
Now we're talkin.
" bout pissing moaning and whining to the polls that you were the best 1-loss team in America"
Who the fuck did that? I can guarantee you that every Husker fan felt we were out of it after the CU game. And after all those teams lost (it was 4 by the way) we got bumped back up to the top by default.
"You went to the Rose Bowl and got crushed again to the snide snickers of every sports hack in the nation."
Those sports hacks were the ones that voted us in dumbass (by .5 of a point too). If you don't like how we went to the 2001 Rose Bowl blame the BCS, not us.
call me stupid but i thought usc would hang a hundred on them. maybe usc isnt that good
Oh my ass.
You whined. you all whined. After the fact, just about every single sportswriter in America not named Tom Shatel decried what a joke it was for you to be in the BCS title game, without being the best team in your own division of your own conference.
I'll let you guys slide on a lot of stuff..but you'll way off on this one Smedley.
You've got to remember, AJ's reality is different from us sub-humans. AJ recalls that Husker fans lamented until the BCS put us in a title game.
AJ also believes that THUGS=HAPPY FANS is a universal truth.
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