Whine and Cheese Party

- As if I could top my 100% score on predicting the season so far, we now turn our attention to the aftermath. Before I do, let me first say that the following observations do not apply to every Husker fan I’ve met this week. A decent number of them have taken their beating this week like adults and are well aware of their team’s shortcomings. Many of them have taken their medicine, and are now looking for ways to rebuild amid the swirling toilet of a season they find their favorite team in.
However, the fruits of my labor are no more evident than the whiney, tantrum-filled, tear stained replies in my comments section from Sunday’s entry. Instead of discussing the games, instead of bragging on your Rival stars, tradition, TV coverage and upcoming recruits, here is what you have been reduced to:
“You’re so arrogant, you’ve become what you hate.”
“You had a typo in your comments section”
"I'm never coming back"
“Your team has never won anything”
"You don't have 1/2 the class of Husker fans"
“You use your prepositional phrases in stupid and unimaginative ways”
“The music you listen to sucks”
“You’re pathetic”
On and on and on and on and on.

At what point do you look at yourself in the mirror, and realize what you are doing and saying? At what point do you just throw your hands up and say, “you win”? At what point do you figure out that you are playing right into the hands of your enemies by burying your precious reputation further and further while whining and crying like 5 year old girls?
Take this from a guy who is VERY used to defending a bad team. When you are pondering how to fight back after a HORRIBLE performance like that, it’s best to just stop. Fight the urge to say something stupid, because most likely you’re just going to make things worse. This is especially the case for you, since many other fans of other teams stop by here, just to see what idiotic things you’ll say.
- Here’s another piece of advice for you: If you plan on going to an away game to watch your team, and you act like a complete prick…expect the retribution to be rather harsh. I saw numerous examples of drunken behavior toward opposing fans on Saturday, and it was pretty much a 50/50 split on what color shirt they were wearing. Regardless, don’t you find it ironic that EVERY time you lose a road game, the opposing fans are “animals”, “rude” or my favorite “classless”.
Your demeanor and arrogance during the past forty years has oozed pompous elitism. Did you think for ONE SECOND that this would continue when opposing fans now have the upper hand in terms of how bad your team is? Why is this so shocking? You want to see “classless”…go to any NFL stadium in the country and you will see 100x worse than what I witnessed Saturday. You hayseeds are so far away from reality, that your reaction is a knee-jerk script every single time something like this happens. It’s lame, and you end up looking like a giant bunch of hypocritical pansy asses when you do it.
Last time I went to a game in Lincoln, one of the Classiest Fans in the Nation hit me in the back with a Runza. Trust me, it goes both ways. Besides, do you get some sort of trophy by being "classy"? Just curious.

I’m not fishing for praise of my favorite team, nor would I expect it from you. However, it is simply my observation that you people are more likely to blame the color of your socks for your failure than the fact that you got whipped by the better team.
- Sorry the Okie State background is not ready yet. Justin in Reno is a bit behind and I figured you’d probably want to see the Tiger logo on the blog for a few more days anyway. Don’t worry…we’ll get back into the rotation within a few days.
1) Missouri (5-0) at Oklahoma:
The Tigers have been in this situation before. However, they’ve rarely looked this good in getting there. I doubt they’ll be able to beat OU in Norman, but if they do…prepare to hear ridiculous things like the word “Mizzou” and “BCS bid” in the same sentence.
2) Colorado (4-2) at Kansas State:
Beating Oklahoma at home was big. Beating Kansas State would give the Buffs a key road victory that would solidify their challenge for the North.
3) Kansas (5-0) vs. Baylor:
The Squaks have yet to leave the state, beat a mediocre K-State team and have the 95th ranked SOS in the nation. Their opponents have a combined 10-18 record, and I don’t think Baylor is going to help that much.
4) Kansas State (3-2) vs. Colorado:
Which KSU team will show up Saturday night vs. the Buffs? You gotta think the loser of this one gets pushed to the back of the bus with Iowa State and Nebraska.
5) Nebraska (4-2) vs. Oklahoma State:
The Husker death spiral continues. I really don’t know how things could get worse for NU, but I guess we will find out. Will the Huskers actually score a TD? I heard the Okie State defense is better than #97th in the country.
6) Iowa State (1-5) vs. Texas:
Texas has a knack for playing down to competition. Now that they’re sitting toward the bottom of the South, it wouldn’t be shocking if they sleepwalk through the game in Ames. The Clones have little to lose, which makes them dangerous.
1) Oklahoma (5-1) vs. Missouri:
There is no reason the Sooners won’t be able to run all over Mizzou on Saturday. However, the Sooners have given up 21 or more points in each of the last 3 games. Good thing Missouri can’t score.
2) Texas Tech (5-1) vs. Texas A&M:
Things suddenly get much tougher for Mike Leach’s team. Their offense can score on anybody, but the days of Rice, SMU and Northwestern State are gone.
3) Texas A&M (5-1) at Texas Tech:
Coach Fran continues to hang on by a thread, as the Aggies face a huge test in Lubbock. The winner of this one will most likely face off with OU later on in the year for a trip to San Antonio.
4) Texas (4-2) at Iowa State:
Has there been a bigger disappointment this year than the Longhorns? Weren’t the Huskers a good enough example as to why Rivals rankings don’t mean squat? Luckily for UT, the Big 12’s three worst teams await in Iowa State, Baylor and Nebraska.
5) Oklahoma State (3-3) at Nebraska:
How good would the pokes be if they had a defense? A huge opportunity awaits in Lincoln, while Callahan and Cosgrove are still employed.
6) Baylor ( 3-3) at Kansas:
Anybody think the Jayhawks are due for a letdown after playing their 2nd biggest rivals last week? Baylor has the 2nd worst defense in the league (behind Nebraska), but something tells me they’ll give KU more of a game than people think.
for the first time in my life i cant defend my team. we suck. fuck. our coaches cant motivate, call plays, anything. we are garbage. that methzzou game was the lowest point of my following the huskers, lower than the texas tech or colorado games. watching my team get run over by a jackass methlab operator like gary pinkel was enough to send me over the edge. also, all the mizzou cheerleaders looked like methbaby inbreds in hd. it was the one time i actually wished i didnt have hd. but thats beside the point. i am finally in agreement with you, the great raider flunky must go, or at the very least coz needs to resign effective yesterday. complete bullshit. im not saying i want frank back, glad his ass is gone, but to get pounded by a team who got ran over by eastern illinois was too much for me to handle. congrats.
I try and catch up on the blog at least once a week and I have to admit it makes me laugh. Mostly because I am a Sooner fan and what you describe could easily fit some of my fanatical brethren.
Looking forward to a entertaining game this week.
Thanks for noticing some people have taken their lumps. I still do not know how your TE's seem to catch every freaking thing thrown in their zip code. Good hands I guess.
I still will choose to go to Norman, Stillwater, Ames, or even Austin over Columbia or Boulder. Sorry if that makes me a whiner. Norman ain't too bad and we have been ass slammed there many many more times then in Columbia and Boulder combined.
Funny thing happened along the way to a 4-2 start. If you had told me at the start of the season we would be 4-2, I would not have been shocked. I would have guessed 5-1, but I could see 4-2--regardless of my friday evening or saturday afternoon alcohol influenced prognostications. Having said that, I am shocked at how we have gotten to the 4-2 start. We have not dominated 4 quarters against anyone. Even Nevada was ahead 10-7 in the second quarter.
I have attended several games this year. I have never seen a Nebraska team like this. I have seen bad defenses at NU, but this defenses aspires to be as bad as those. We do not tackle correctly. We do not block correctly. And, if in year 4 with primarily seniors and juniors starting, that is discouraging. Those are the fundamental things that have to get done before you can install fancy offenses and whiz-bang defense packages.
So I am torn. I seriously think we need a 'college' football coach. However, the only way that happens if we have another losing season. I cannot hope for that either. I will be there on Saturday, along with 85,000 others cheering my ass off.
P.S. I still hate you AJ...you smarmy, always correct and making sure I know it, douche nozzle. If I knew what the hell a Zebrahead was I would hate it too.
Mizzou gave up garbage yards to Illinois State (not Eastern Illinois), but your point is taken.
Chris, I hear ya..should be a shootout.
H4Y...what can I say man...get it out. You'll feel better.
You should really change the title to ‘Whine and Cheese Parity’. I think our fearless leader likes to use that parity word to explain our suckiness.
I can not defend the moron NU fans that come on here or post anywhere and make complete ass clowns out of themselves. My only thought is they are the stuck in the mid 90’s group that are wearing their NU Starter jackets and really cool tight Levi jean shorts. I really see more of that than the red and white overalls.
Now on to the game, you could tell that there were years of pent up frustration coming from that team and your fans. The past few wins in Columbia must have just whet your appetite because that team and your fans were better than ever. I really hope that MU wins the north and goes undefeated. With a win in the Big XII title game you could be playing for a NC. That would be huge for the North and the Big XII. Then you could go on to play LSU in the championship game. I would cheer for MU and maybe they would stick in there until the very end. Maybe the score is 38 – 32 LSU winning with less than 2 minutes to go. Chase Daniel leads the team on one last 80-yard drive. With 5 seconds he hits Rucker in the endzone for a TD. The only thing needed is an extra point to win the NC. Unfortunately for you this is where my real enjoyment comes in. LSU blocks the kick and returns it for a two-point conversion. MU loses 40-38. Talk about a ball buster. That is like getting ready to blow your load in that completely gorgeous girl you have always wanted and at the critical moment you look at her and realize she looks like you mom. That is where my euphoria comes in. To know you where soooo close, but then lost it all.
Good luck and great beat down. I would write more but I need to go change my underwear. For some reason I have been leaking from my asshole since 8:26 PM on Sat night.
GBR from a bleeding ass Husker fan
I just heard someone named AJ emailing the Zone Radio Show talking about Rucker....
et tu AJ?
I told you that quite a few people read this blog.
I have a doozy of a question for husker fans and haters (at least I would think it was a doozy if I was in there shoes).
Are the 2007 Huskers worse than the 2004 Huskers (Cally's first team).
Maybe (probably) too early to tell. Id have to give this year's offense the nod and 04 defense the nod, no shock there. At the 6 game mark in 04, NU was 4-2, with a gritty road victory against Pitt, probably as impressive as the win vs Wake. Other than the 70 Texas Tech hung up on em, they only allowed 18 points a game (26 points with the 70 beat down). They were scoring 30 per. They were 2-1 in conference play at the time (only 3 nonconference games). Add an extra game vs. Nevada or the like and they probably woulda kept the bowl streak alive, much like i think will happen this year (Im picking 6-6 for them). Had they lost to Ball State this question might have been even easier.
The mere fact that this question could even be discussed should give Husker fan a headache, shouldn't it? Progress, that aint.
People probably would post more serious things on here if you encouraged it. Instead you just bait people into fits of rage.
Hell, I tried it yesterday, and you just cherry-picked the most irrelevant shit from the forum and used it to stir the pot even more. This blog isn't meant for discourse, it's just a giant vortex of suck created by a sorry individual who is more interested in relishing other peoples' sorrow than his own success.
How many times did somebody say something to the effect of "we got our asses handed to us" yesterday? Several. But those kinds of comments don't fuel this blog. Only negativity and acrimony does.
Loved the comment on Perrault's show today about bringing back the thugs.
Do you have a twin in town.
Go Buffs!
So I guess the other day when I congratulated you I forgot to say the better team won. Did I hurt your feelings?
Lately I've been frequenting the Fire Bill Callahan blog and firecosgrove.com. Yes, WE SUCK!
So do you.
BTW, you've become what you hate....you arrogant prick.
(I think you can figure it out.)
Oh, yeah.....LOVE YOUR BLOG! Have a nice day.
Another AJ sighting on Perrault.....
"Bring back the thugs" says AJ from Omaha
Go Buffs!
Giant vortex of suck? Ok..that ws damn funny.
Look, I've said it 1,000 times. I'll break down games and stuff to a degree, but if you want in-depth analysis, go to ESPN.com or one of the many other fine websites that offer that kind of stuff.
This is a blog that is one guy's opinion. If it appears slanted..it's because it is...it's my opinion. I"m the only one who writes it...thus, it's going to be in my way of thinking.
It takes a while to get my schstick and what my motives are, but in the end...you'll be able to see them coming a mile away...and just how harmless this whole thing is.
In the meantime, get mad...get pissed..rant..rave...vent. It's OK...that's what I"m here for.
PS - JG....good question about the 04-07 comparison. I'll have to think about that one.
PPS - I was not on Perrault's show. I didn't catch it today. I did e-mail Kuglar, who has been bating me with Anti-Mizzou crap for nearly a month now.
That post by Anonymous after mine might be the the best exhibit in your case agianst Husker nation ever AJ. Why dont you make a blog that encourages more serious discourse? Are you joking? Have you seen this site? What about this blog makes you think it is a place for wine and cheese discussion of x's and o's? Never lose sight of the fact that this site is about one thing and one thing only: NU fans are delusional.
Why is it that when Callahan gets his ass kicked, it's because we need to spend more money on facilities and recruit better?
And when Callahan gets humbled by a bad MAC team or by Iowa State, it's suddenly because we have parity now?
Anybody else wonder about that?
AJ: Mizzou was the better team. It had the better offense, the better defense, and (God help you) the better coach. Congratulations on the win.
No offense, but I'm not sure how much we really learned about Missouri Saturday night, because I'm afraid Nebraska really sucks. If Missouri beats Oklahoma, I'll be a believer.
Spot on with the NFL stadiums comment. I went to my first NFL game ever a few weeks ago, and it was the roughest crowd I've ever seen at a football game. I advised my sister not to wear away colors at the NFL game she's going to this weekend...
I've usually been treated well at Memorial Stadium, but an old guy pushed my buddy one time for no particular reason.
You REALLY need to find a screenshot of the two Mizzou guys in the stands, one with a poster of a salt shaker, the other with a poster with the word "Wound", with the salt shaker being "shaken" over the "wound" sign.
Anonymous said:
"Maybe the score is 38 – 32 LSU winning with less than 2 minutes to go. Chase Daniel leads the team on one last 80-yard drive. With 5 seconds he hits Rucker in the endzone for a TD. The only thing needed is an extra point to win the NC. Unfortunately for you this is where my real enjoyment comes in. LSU blocks the kick and returns it for a two-point conversion. MU loses 40-38. Talk about a ball buster. That is like getting ready to blow your load in that completely gorgeous girl you have always wanted and at the critical moment you look at her and realize she looks like you mom. That is where my euphoria comes in. To know you where soooo close, but then lost it all."
Won't happen. That, sir, is why we punked your assclown of a coach on the fake FG. Oh god that felt good.
Gary Pinkel
"JGerardi said...
That post by Anonymous after mine might be the the best exhibit in your case agianst Husker nation ever AJ. Why dont you make a blog that encourages more serious discourse? Are you joking? Have you seen this site? What about this blog makes you think it is a place for wine and cheese discussion of x's and o's? Never lose sight of the fact that this site is about one thing and one thing only: NU fans are delusional."
I felt I was stating the obvious. The site calls out Husker fans incessantly and baits them to comment. However, any serious points that anybody brings up are ignored, while any anger that seeps into the conversation gets conveniently amplified in the blog so that AJ has more to hang over our heads. It's our fault for even paying attention, but that doesn't make the tactics any less cheap and puerile.
Did you seriously write a scathing indictment of Husker fans in an entry called "Whine and Cheese Party?" Seriously? You are aware that this blog is one giant bitch-fest about all the "mean Nebraska fans" that have been torturing a poor, helpless Missouri fan, right?
In addition, if everybody in Missouri is so willing to christen Chase Daniel as a Heisman Contender and King Shit of the Big XII, look up Nate Davis' (Ball State) stats against Nebraska this season. There's a reason that people in Nebraska aren't raving about the Tigers after this game; this shit is becoming a recurring theme. Mizzou executed brilliantly. We know what we saw on the field. It was complete domination by a very well-put-together team. However, we made Ball State's offense look just as powerful, ON OUR OWN FIELD. Bully to you motherfuckers for the win. Seriously. 5-0. Wow. Go Tigers.
You know you play Oklahoma this week, right?
Actually, outside of Nebraska...people are in love with Mizzou.
They're ranked 11th.
"However, when a damn good Missouri team absolutely ass-pounds the Huskers on National TV, not a word is mentioned by anyone as to their dominance."
That's all I was responding to. I'm just saying there's a reason why the storylines in Nebraska are centering around the Cornhuskers' defensive failures as opposed to Missouri being complete ass-pounders.
Congrats on the No. 11 ranking. You'll have to prove you're for real this week.
The reason the Ball State QB had all those yards is because the Ball State D couldn't stop the NU offense. Chase and Co. could have easily put up more offense but then NU and their fans would have been whining about how we didn't call of the dogs, like their currently complaining about the fake field goal. And last I checked 401 passing, 72 rushing, 2 TD's each way and no turnovers against a ranked team (barely anyways) isn't slouching around.
MU Fan in Austin
If this is a re-occurring theme, why were all the hard ass GO BIG RED NU cheerleaders predicting a 14-17 point NU thrasing? Seemed to be a lot of arrogance until the 2nd quarter
"If this is a re-occurring theme, why were all the hard ass GO BIG RED NU cheerleaders predicting a 14-17 point NU thrasing? Seemed to be a lot of arrogance until the 2nd quarter"
Mmm-kay. I wasn't aware that every person in Nebraska had voted and determined 14-17 point thrashing was the most likely score, but you've obviously got your source(s). I was the only person among my group of friends that thought we wouldn't get thrashed by the same margin. What was your prediction for the game? If you said "pain" you would have been correct. But that's neither here nor there, and you're still an idiot.
"The reason the Ball State QB had all those yards is because the Ball State D couldn't stop the NU offense. Chase and Co. could have easily put up more offense but then NU and their fans would have been whining about how we didn't call of the dogs"
BSU put up 40 points on NU with 28 minutes of possession. Mizzou scored 41 with almost 32 minutes of possession. I'm not sure if that means anything to you, but it tells me you're reaching pretty far on that one.
Best quote ever from the Omaha paper by Chase Daniel on the PinkShirts:
"Cosgrove's a very stubborn guy," said Daniel, who threw for 401 yards in a 41-6 Tiger win. "It's always been that way. . . . That's just how he is, that's how they are. They're a bunch of confident guys in what they do, and they felt they had the best chance doing that, so they stuck with it.
"You can't just play one defense the whole entire game. That's like high school stuff."
To be fair, Mizzou was up 41-6 with about 12 minutes to go in the game. Safe to say, once the fake FG dove in..the hounds were halted.
"Is this Missouri team the one that drags that entire state out several decades of pigskin mediocrity? Have the Tigers developed an offensive magic at Faurot Field that bewitches and confuses the Blackshirts the minute the game starts?
And yet...and yet...Nebraska should absolutely win this game.
If Missouri's fans are expecting that kind of meltdown again, they're expecting the wrong team. Missouri only beats Nebraska if it runs the ball (possible), controls the clock (not that likely), and wins the line of scrimmage (seeing will be believing). It took Daniel, a smart, assured quarterback, almost three quarters to figure out NU last year. He can't wait that long again."
Where's all that arrogance, now? Now this is the worst team in NU football history? Really? You all pumped out this bullshit propoganda in August, now you guys suck? What happened to:
"Nebraska could also be 8-0 walking into Austin just before Halloween, too."
How's that working out for ya?
"Cosgrove's a very stubborn guy," said Daniel, who threw for 401 yards in a 41-6 Tiger win. "It's always been that way. . . . That's just how he is, that's how they are. They're a bunch of confident guys in what they do, and they felt they had the best chance doing that, so they stuck with it.
"You can't just play one defense the whole entire game. That's like high school stuff."
A classless comment. Yeah, yeah...go ahead and hammer me. I stand by by that opinion. You don't call out another coach in the press.
"BSU put up 40 points on NU with 28 minutes of possession. Mizzou scored 41 with almost 32 minutes of possession. I'm not sure if that means anything to you, but it tells me you're reaching pretty far on that one."
Yes it means something to me; it means NU was in a shootout with Ball State and neither defense stayed on the field for longer than 2 minutes at a time(exaggeration). The MU/NU game on the other hand was in hand so MU didn't try to score quickly. It also means your pussy defense coordinator was afraid of getting beat deep so instead he got nickel and dimed to death with a couple of big plays.
I don't have in-depth knowledge of defensive schemes but I am pretty sure when you have only a 3 man front you are trying to take away the pass. So to still put up 400 yards in under 4 quarters is pretty damn good. And by the way MU doesn't control ESPN and they are the ones driving the Heisman talk. But keeping saying whatever you need to so you can sleep at night.
MU Fan in Austin
AJ, this site continues to be a must read. At times for your rants, but mostly for the commments section. You are like a fly trap for the developmentally challenged, and boy are they sticking now. Anywho, OU will kill, nay Nagasaki your Tigers this weekend.
Oh, and Bosley, my 10 week old boxer pup is pretty much potty trained. He's stopped shitting on my carpet, but the Huskers probably can't say the same thing. Where is Eric Crouch/Scott Frost/Tommie Frazier...glory days AJ, glory days.
Your Indiana Pen Pal,
Hey, Missouri Husker fan, do you also call people "fucking hillbillies" and make throat slash gestures? Is that classless as well, or is it only okay because your coach did it?
As if Saturday night was not bad enough, I received an email at work this morning informing me that we had hired a new engineer with a BS from Missouri. Jesus H.
As far as Chase is concerned, I'll vote him Heisman, class president, or even HMFIC of Misery for saying what no one at One Stadium Drives wants to say about our defense.
Cosgrove is still trying to run Big 10, circa 1985 defenses. Guess what Kev, the game has evolved. Here is something Charlie figured out about 15 years ago:
Pressuring the quarterback can be effective.
I am sure somewhere within the Athletic Department there is book, some notes, game film, or even a dusty old chalk board with an indication of how he did this. Take a look at it and maybe try to understand we played some pretty good f*cking defense when you were still coaching linebackers. And one more thing. Take that damn laminated cheat sheet out of the front of your pants. You look like a sh*thead with it in there. The fact that you cannot remember things well enough to coach without that might be an clue as to why your defense seems to not know what the hell is going on.
Take notice Kev. You no longer get the privilege and honor of coaching the blackshirts. You may be coaching the Nebraska defense, but not the blackshirts.
Sorry for ranting on your blog AJ....thanks....and I still hate you for being right and making sure I know it.
"A classless comment. Yeah, yeah...go ahead and hammer me. I stand by by that opinion. You don't call out another coach in the press."
Did you see much that *didn't* work against our wonderful 3-3-5 that we ran all effing game? Expect the Sooners to do the same with Mizzou?
The Lost Coz is running the 9-1-1 for the rest of the year. That can't stop the spread either.
Here's what a real defensive coach does (the one from a different Tigers team... #1 in the polls.. ring any bells?):
"Trailing 17-7 at halftime, the Tigers surrendered just one touchdown after Pelini and his staff tweaked their game plan at intermission."
This is what Pederson pissed away. Get used to mediocrity.
Did you hear me defend Coach Slashahan for either of those actions? No you did not.
Neither of those acts had any class either. You should read more of my posts before you call me out on anything.
fucking hillbilly
Did you see me defending cosgrove's game plan? No you did not. Nor am I defending cosgrove. Read it again. The comment was about Daniel.
Do you see me crying because Bo Pellini is gone? No you do not. I know he is a good DC. Bo Pellini is gone and I doubt he will ever be back.
Get used to it.
Where do you people come up with this shit? You take what other say and spin it to your advantage. Stay on topic!
Wow, some little angry man is sure touchy. This is great.
Awesome, melt-down central, ground zero for the exposure of Fusker fans as the biggest frauds of college athletics.
No one indicated you defended Callahan, it was a QUESTION, dipshit. But you got sensative, I see why.
This would be the place for angry little men, wouldn't it Mr Anonymous keyboard warrior. I mean look at the guy who writes it. Now that's anger!
You're still just Missouri.
Wow, you were spot on about the Kansas Baylor game.
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